Research on Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard in Venture Capital Investment of China 我国风险投资中的逆向选择与道德风险研究
Information sharing system could relieve the adverse selection and moral hazard in credit markets and therefore increase the efficiency of the credit markets. 信息共享制度有助于缓解信贷市场的逆向选择和道德风险,从而增进信贷市场的效率。
This concern rising from adverse selection motivates us to monitor the composition of a trading desk's customer base. 对于逆向选择的关心鼓励我们监视交易客户群的组成。
Health markets may be inefficient because of poor information, and because of the adverse selection and moral hazard problems associated with health insurance. 由于信息贫乏,再加上健康保险出现的逆向选择和道德风险问题,保健市场可能是无效率的。
The third part discusses the compensation of adverse selection. 第三部分是针对逆选择的补偿而引发的探讨。
Examples of this problem are Adverse selection and Moral hazard. 这个问题的例子是逆向选择和道德风险。
Dynamic game analysis of imperfect information of restraining the insured's adverse selection 遏制投保人逆向选择的不完美信息动态博弈分析
Concerning the risk aversion of adverse selection and efficiency improvement in maintenance ally selection, an efficient and reliable ally selection system was proposed. 针对维护联盟盟友选择的搜索效率提升和逆向选择风险规避问题,构建了高效和高可靠性的盟友选择方法和相应系统。
The existence of information asymmetry gives rise to problems such as moral hazard, and adverse selection, studied in contract theory. 信息不对称的存在产生了例如“道德风险”“逆向选择”等问题,这些问题在“契约理论”中研究。
Combined over-current and reverse power protection adverse selection [ MIGA] 过电流和逆功率联合保?装置(风险的)逆向选择[多边投资担保机构]
To relieve adverse selection and moral hazard, credit institutions must invest resources and collect information. 要缓解逆向选择和道德风险,信贷机构必须投入资源,收集信息。
In this paper, two main models under the circumstance of asymmetric information in the insurance market-the adverse selection and moral hazard were studied. 摘要对描述保险市场的两类不对称信息-逆向选择和道德风险进行了研究。
The information-economics analysis of earning quality and its role in capital market can prove the existence of adverse selection in capital market whereby low earning-quality stocks drive out high earning-quality stocks, and reveal the relationship between earning quality and moral hazard. 摘要利用信息经济学分析盈余质量及其在资本市场中的作用,可证明资本市场中存在低盈余质量股票驱逐高盈余股票的逆向选择问题,并揭示盈余质量和道德风险之间的关系。
In this paper, we propose an agent-based model to examine what conditions can make the adverse selection to take its effect by introducing two variables& cognitive capability and valuation ratio. 在这篇文章中,我们通过采用多个体模型和引入两个变量&识别能力和估价比率来说明在什么条件下会发生逆向选择现象。
There are three theories attempting to explain dividend puzzle: agent theory ( moral hazard), signal theory ( adverse selection), and behavior finance. 迄今为止,有三类理论试图解释“股利之谜”:代理理论(道德风险)、信号理论(逆向选择)和行为金融理论。
The adverse selection of population quality of China is not only the research object of many subject, but also is arguing focus of academe. 中国的人口素质逆淘汰问题不仅是多学科的研究对象,而且是学术界争论的焦点。
How to avoid adverse selection is always a problem in the flea market. 如何在跳蚤市场防止逆向选择是一个经常性问题。
This article try to quote the adverse selection model to establish an optimal underwrite mechanism. 本研究尝试以契约理论中的逆选择模型,创建一个最适的承销契约机制。
Under the condition of information asymmetry, the adverse selection behavior on the securities market results in underinvestment or overinvestment, which both decrease the market's efficiency. 证券市场的逆向选择行为会产生“投资不足”或“过度投资”问题,这都降低了证券市场资本配置的效率,造成社会资本资源的闲置和浪费。
A simple model combining adverse selection and strategic default is discussed in this paper. 这篇文章将讨论一个同时包含了逆向选择和道德风险的模型。
Research on Adverse Selection Effect of Supporting Policies on Emerging Industries 新兴产业扶持政策的逆向选择效应研究
Adverse Selection and Hazard Avoidance on the Process of Application in Enterprises 企业招聘工作中的逆向选择问题及其风险规避
However, non-restriction pricing with RAROC would result in adverse selection and moral risk, so there is a risk boundary in actual loan pricing. 但由于自由定价会产生逆向选择和道德风险,现实中的贷款定价存在一个风险的边界。
The theory of information transition and agency cost argues that debt and dividend in incentive contract can mitigate adverse selection and moral hazard, and can be replaced by each other. 信息传递理论和代理成本理论认为,在激励契约中,负债和现金股利可以相互替代,但是现实中负债与现金股利却共存于激励契约。
What often results is misallocation of resources, adverse selection among key staff and strategic drift. 这种做法造成的后果通常是资源配置不当、关键员工和战略方向选择失误。
The Asymmetry Information Effect on Auditing Market: Adverse Selection and Signal Model 非对称信息下的审计市场:逆向选择与信号传递
Adverse selection was not the only dubious practice. 逆向选择并非唯一可疑的操作。
Social insurance may be justified on grounds of adverse selection, decision-making costs, income distribution, or paternalism. 社会保险存在的理由可能有逆向选择、决策成本、收入分配和家长主义。
To construct social credit system of food security by adverse selection model will enhance the quality safety of China's food effectively and international competitiveness. 采用逆向选择模型构建食品安全社会信用体系,可以有效促进我国食品质量安全的提高,增强国际竞争力。
The Study on the Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection of the New Rural Cooperative Medical System 新型农村合作医疗道德风险和逆向选择问题研究